1. I pre-ordered Google Stadia. I was excited to get the founder's edition perks. I was excited to try out the service. I was excited to see what their controller was all about. Because I didn't read the fine print, I presumed the pre-order would have charged me for the package immediately. I am sure if I had read the conditions I would have realized the charge was going to come later. However I did not. So I've spent several months eagerly anticipating this new toy. However, it is now time for the Stadia packages to ship out and I realized that I have not been charged for it yet. I am about to be charged for it.
Sorry, Google, I don't have that kind of money any more. I can't afford Stadia any more. I had to cancel my order. I totally accept this isn't Google's fault, but it is reason #1 I am annoyed with Google.
It's just the NotionInk Adam all over again. New technology I have been palpably excited about for months which, when it comes time to pull the trigger, I simply cannot afford. /Frowns
2. I had to change my phone in order to be compatible with the new phone provider my wife and I have no choice but to switch to (Verizon is for people wealthier than I). Right when I went to get a new phone the Pixel 3 went out of stock. That's the phone I actually wanted. But I couldn't get it.
3. While determining which phone to get, I settled on the Pixel 4. However, the regular size Pixel 4 (my preference) is reported to have terrible battery life. Among a slew of other issues. These were largely absent from the (more expensive) Pixel 4 XL. I think the XL phones are way too big, but I felt like it was the only good option for the Pixel 4.
4. They removed the fingerprint scanner from the Pixel 4.
5. Face unlock. Either I go back to entering a pin every time I want to use the phone, or I use face unlock. Face unlock is fine, I guess. I am not diving into the potential security concerns because not enough has been resolved about that yet. I don't like it because every time I try to look at my phone it immediately unlocks itself. As it turns out, I look at my phone way more often just for the lock screen information than I do with any intention of actually using the phone. Yet, it is always unlocking itself. On paper, this sounds like a good thing, but I find it incredibly annoying.
6. BONUS: Chromebook Go. I was super excited when I heard that Google was going to be releasing an updated and less expensive Chromebook this year. Alas, "less expensive" to Google is still more expensive than the premium Chromebooks on offer from other manufacturers. Still not affordable. Also... no pen support? Just... why?
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